UI vs UX { Brief description }

Frantic Infotech Pvt. Ltd
3 min readFeb 17, 2021

UX and UI are not the same thing, but even folks within the industry are confused by using the terms interchangeably. In this article we’ll define UX and UI, their differences, and who is suited to the two professions. If you’re wondering if these design jobs are right for you, read on.Are you working to create the next best website, application, mobile game, or any other kind of digital products? If you live and breathe the tech world, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are terms you’re probably familiar with.

Normally paired as UX/UI design, they’ve been prioritized by tech companies aiming to build winning products. UX and UI help solve one of the biggest puzzles when it comes to building lovable products.

Let’s take a look at how these two areas differ and shape a project.

UX and UI defined

You may have heard people use UX and UI interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing.

What is UX design?

User experience is the overall experience a user has with a company’s products or services. Good and bad user experience design is determined by how easy or difficult it is to interact with each element or aspect of a product or service.

UX design mainly involves research to understand things like customer pain points, potential market gaps, and competitor analysis. Besides focusing on a deep understanding of users and unmet market needs, UX also takes into account the business goals and objectives to build products that align with the company’s visions and missions. UX best practices improve user interactions and perceptions of products and services as desired by the company.

UX thinking always traces back to your audience. By understanding the target audience’s goals, UX designers can make good decisions that take an audience where they want to go.

What is UI design?

User interface design is focused on the look and layout — how each element of the product will look, including buttons, placeholders, text, images, checkboxes, and any visual interface elements people interact with.

UX design determines how the interface works and how people interact with it, and UI design creates an interface’s look and feel. UX is more concerned with conceptual aspects, and UI focuses on a product’s aesthetic aspects — color palettes, button styles, animation, graphics, typography, diagrams, widgets, and many other elements to make the websites, applications, plugins, themes, etc. look neat and clean while still being intuitively functional to the user.

UX designers conduct market research and analysis to educate themselves about customer’s needs and desires before designing the functionality of a product. UI designers keep themselves updated on graphic patterns and design trends that evolve as customers’ tastes and behavior changes.

In this multi-screen era where mobile devices are prevalent, responsive design has been an integral part of UI design. The ultimate goal of responsive design is to make interfaces viewable on any desktop or mobile device. UI designers optimize interfaces for different devices so products appeal to both desktop and mobile users. Instead of creating different versions for different devices, UI designers create one version that scales content and elements to match any screen size.

Key differences between UX and UI

UX and UI are both critical components that can make or break a product. They work closely together to decide how a product looks and functions. How can we further define UX and UI to capture the underlying differences between the two?

UX searches for solutions and UI determines the look

UX design is mainly concerned with the user’s expectations of a product or service. The ultimate goal of UX is to locate and solve problems customers are struggling with.

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Frantic Infotech Pvt. Ltd

We are a renowned mobile and web app development company in India, also providing Digital marketing services for almost more than 5 years now and counting.